Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
130301-130320 of all 180,402 gems.
100,9181bs_plusThis should use your automate plan of browserstack and do screenshots
100,9181siriproxy-hueThis is largely a demo plugin of a real-world implementation of SiriProxy
100,9181twitter-vineUses the existing Twitter API and Nokogiri to get the job done
100,9181averell23-bjSpecial version for JRuby compatibility. Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero...
100,9181sk_hand_dryerSechez vos mains du terminale!
100,9181invoice_harvesterBasic Harvest invoice fetcher.
100,9181rspec-instructureBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
100,9181ipa_account_checkDisplays AppStore account from .ipa file
100,9181executable_pathnameProvide additional methods to inspect executable files, as a Pathname subclass
100,9181student_nmrecStudent invitation to nmrec
100,9181lrc_report_fulla report handler for chef
100,9181current_templateDisplay name of the current template file, including partial template.
100,9181hola_from_wendyA simple hello world gem
100,9181bumpsRemote feature management for Cucumber. Bumps extends {Cucumber}[http://cukes.info] by...
100,9181happy_bday_abhishek_bhawaretest Gem
100,9181gitlab-database-load_balancingProvides a code on top of existing databases to support read-only replicas.
100,9181range_with_gapsThe RangeWithGaps class lets you easily collect many ranges into one.You can perform lo...
100,9181tryrubyConsole tutorial tool for Ruby.
100,9181fotoliaProvides a ruby interface to Fotolia via its XML-RPC api.
100,9181angularjs-rails-gemInjects Angular.js into your asset pipeline as well as other Angular modules.