Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132241-132260 of all 180,402 gems.
100,9181zapiclientSimple yet powerful ZAPI for Cloud client for Ruby 2.3.1+.
100,9181batchmakerAsync queue system that batches items together based on time and size
100,9181recursive_spyA recursive spy for code forensics and testing
100,9181epicsLUKBEpics is a ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complet...
100,9181new_gem26A gem for creating value
100,9181party_poopA gem that returns an array of the words party and poop
100,9181shoulda-matchers-callbacksShoulda Matchers gem extension for Active Model (Rails) callbacks ...
100,9181rabbit-slide-znz-update-rails-2023-11[【出張版】Kyoto.rb Meetup 【大阪だよ】](https://kyotorb.connpass.com/event/296972/)のLT大会での発表資料です。
100,9181testcontainers-composeTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
100,9181faker-spanish_documentGenerates random spanish DNI and NIE numbers. Also generates generic random passport nu...
100,9181palidanx-cache-moneyCache utilities. Fork to fix issue #11 of original cache-money. Basically it would fa...
100,9181omniauth-tradekingTradeKing strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
100,9181radiant-html_tags-extensionMakes Radiant better by adding html_tags!
100,9181soapexA gem that provides extended functionality to the soap4r package
100,9181qiniu_jxbQiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Ruby. See: http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/sd...
100,9181slugdb-sqlite3I wanted sqlite with a document store.
100,9181dogapi-demoRuby bindings for Datadog's API
100,9181jet.snowman.helloA simple hello world gem
100,9181henderson_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for rails applications