Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132441-132460 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380uniara_virtual_parserA Gem to parse the Uniara Virtual system
69,2380sassy-cubic-bezierA Sass function that extends the CSS cubic-bezier() notation to allow for (predefined) ...
69,2380sw2at-uiControl your tests, run them parallel. Check statuses of your revisions online. Share r...
69,2380gds-data-validationA data validation library providing a rule-based schema definition language. For checki...
69,2380sprint_clientA client gem for SPrint
69,2380pdk-akerlA CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.
69,2380whitedownRuby command line utility that makes it easy to generate beautiful Whitepapers as HTML ...
69,2380tiny_dynoMinimum Interface to Amazon DynamoDB, heavily inspired by Mongoid.
69,2380knife-acropolisPlugin for Chef´s knife command, to support the Nutanix Acropolis App Fabric.
69,2380rubyunoRuby-OpenOffice UNO native bridge
69,2380pry-factorybotCombine 'pry' with 'factory_bot'. Adds default_strategies commands to control execution.
69,2380shikashi-the-northShikashi allows whitelisting specific language features, from constants, to system modu...
69,2380google-cloud-essential_contactsMany Google Cloud services, such as Cloud Billing, send out notifications to share impo...
69,2380tunkrankRESTful interface to the TunkRank API.
69,2380gurkeAn alternative gherkin feature runner inspired by rspec and turnip.
69,2380twistTwist - Log your system activity to Twitter.
69,2380douglas_peuckerA Ruby implementation of the Douglas–Peucker algorithm
69,2380slide_shareGem for SlideShare using HTTParty
69,2380licenses# License Create software licenses easily. ## Install ### Bundler: `gem 'license'` ...
69,2380easy-automationFriendly Automation Testing Framework, tired of update every single test when developer...