Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134441-134460 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300slug_fer_septhidding ID:s
85,4300mvn2-sayUse the Mac 'say' command to say the result of the build when it finishes.
85,4300specterSpecter stubs a subset of the cgminer client protocol. It allows you to test your progr...
85,4300erwaller-twitterwrapper for the twitter api
85,4300esilverberg-google_otgInclude Google's Over Time Graph in your app
85,4300sevenwire-configatronConfigatron was developed by: markbates
85,4300espace-neverblock-pgFibered PostgreSQL connection.
85,4300face_controlChecks Atlassian Stash pull requests and comments on issues in added code
85,4300omniauth-centroOmniAuth strategy for Centro
85,4300rails-bootstrap-engineRuby on Rails Engine for Twitter Bootstrap with Assets, Helpers and more.
85,4300moonstoneMoonstone Agile Search Framework
85,4300inkling-cmsA CMS extension for Inkling
85,4300node_configSimple "node" configuration solution for Rails applications
85,4300jsoundA Ruby interface for Java's javax.sound API. Runs on the JVM via JRuby.
85,4300s3utilsProvides a s3cmd binary to perform simple commands on buckets and objects in s3. See <...
85,4300rtomcatruby wrapper around the tomcat manager
85,4300rails_bs_popconUses bootstrap popover to show confirmation buttons for links with data-confirm.
85,4300julien-sluggableGenerates slugs easily. Set 'SLUG_BASE = :some_attribute' while including 'JulienSlugga...
85,4300glass_slippersA further and completely not helpful description.