Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135061-135080 of all 180,402 gems.
100,9181ico_benchIcoBench.com data for the latest ICO token ratings and information
100,9181hello_fjzinkA simple hello world gem
100,9181mynyml-merb-in-file-templatesMerb plugin that allows templates (views, css, js) to be defined in the same file as th...
100,9181thehack-atom-toolsTools for working with Atom Entries, Feeds and Collections
100,9181sanitize-whitelistObjects to represent a whitelist that can be used by the sanitize gem.
100,9181jekyll-inline-external-svgA Liquid tag to inline and optimize internal/external SVG images in your HTML Support...
100,9181em-pusherEventMachine client for pusherapp.com
100,9181itunes-clia command line interface for itunes (only supports windows/cygwin currently)
100,9181rbroccoliInterface for the Bro Intrusion Detection System.
100,9181rspec-collectionFor example: collection.should all_be > 0 will specify that each elemen...
100,9181s7s7 (seven) is the secret informations(password, credit number, file, etc..) manager.
100,9181kit_liquid_railsAllows you to use .liquid templates in your views & ViewComponents.
100,9181vagrant-sshAn easy way to execute SSH commands on your Vagrant image.
100,9181steemdata-rbWrapper for accessing steemdata.com in a ruby application.
100,9181myronmarston-integrityYour Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
100,9181material-railsMaterial design lite for rails
100,9181fastlane-plugin-last_fabric_version_codeGet the last Fabric version code for your Android app
100,9181quickgraphQuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for...