Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136141-136160 of all 180,379 gems.
98,7021quietlyQuietly aims to make dealing with IO redirection easy. It originally started as a simpl...
98,7021travis-conditionsBoolean language for conditional builds, stages, jobs
98,7021fluent-plugin-inline-classifierFluentd plugin to classify each message and inject the result into it
98,7021simpletaxRuby API client to gosimpletax.com
98,7021shrinkwrapShrinkwraps code for quick and safe deployment. Initial release will tar code, encr...
98,7021swagger_ui_generatorRails generator to build Swagger UI API doc viewer
98,7021softcover-nonstopCLI interface for softcover.io
98,7021discordifyEasier way push messages to a discord channel from your Rails application
98,7021dodge_packages"Write a longer description or delete this line."
98,7021feedfinderfeedfinder - web feed finder and discovery (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, etc.)
98,7021jekyll-giphy-embedGiphy embeds easy for Jekyll, good for you
98,7021jekyll-theme-purebredPurebred is a simplistic purecss based Jekyll theme.
98,7021sidekiq_probyProby monitoring for recurring sidekiq jobs.
98,7021gosu_gridThis gem provide basic functional to draw game grid and move stuff around
98,7021simpson_view_toolCopyright generator which automatically updates the year, allows you to put in your nam...
98,7021shibeWow Shibe, Such Doge, very Cuba
98,7021dacz-authuserUser Auth For Rails, forked from Clearance.
98,7021ya_circuit_breakerPrevent long running external calls from blocking an application