Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136161-136180 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300instagram_userClient for the Instagram Web Service without Instagram API. Implemented in Ruby using t...
85,4300sixarm_ruby_migration_helper_extensionsMigration helper extensions for Ruby On Rails development
85,4300hledger-forecastUse a CSV file for improved forecasting with hledger
85,4300jekyll-theme-nanJekyll theme that is used by https://notanumber.io.
85,4300rspec_api_blueprint_2Autogeneration of documentation from request specs
85,4300rubenumCreate simple enumerations in Ruby.
85,4300string_derived_randomSeed a Ruby `Random` object with a seed value that is derived from a given string
85,4300factorylabs-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
85,4300jabley-rubygems-isitjrubyLets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on JRuby. Uses http:/...
85,4300dviThis is a library to read DVI(DeVice Independent) file format.
85,4300jacaetevha-growthspurtThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
85,4300matta-sdruby-rafflesdruby-raffle picks up raffle winners for you
85,4300signoresignore helps manage email signatures and select random ones based on their tags
85,4300nba_statsA ruby interface for the stats.nba.com json API.
85,4300pomsInterface to POMS CouchDB API
85,4300rack-xml_stylesheetIt's a rack middleware to add processing instructions on documents of response type XML.
85,4300mix-rails-writerMix Writer is a group of models, views, controllers for rails applications that added N...
85,4300gobstones-specWrite Gobstones specs within Ruby
85,4300faker-fakemeFaker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, ad...
85,4300grayA Simple and Elegant Theme for Jekyll