Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137781-137800 of all 180,402 gems.
100,9181smtp-xoauthAdds auth_xoauth to Ruby's core Net::SMTP to support Google's new XOAUTH http://code.go...
100,9181nickshowsA gem that show in your comand line a string using Nick style.
100,9181sixarm_ruby_pathname_dirnamesSixArm.com » Ruby » Pathname#dirnames method to iterate on parent directories
100,9181wakame-adapters-tenginewakame-adapters-tengine is ...
100,9181rails_admin_rollincode_arifikhsanRails_Admin FLAT theme overhaul
100,9181eyrubygemsA workaround for gems still using the deprecated require_gem method
100,9181uc3-sam-sceptreAllows you to kick off a SAM build/deploy from Sceptre
100,9181primer_gemaGema para calcular numeros
100,9181specs-sdkJust for Validating
100,9181rspec-cloud-corerspec-cloud-core provides rspec matchers and rspec-cloud classes.
100,9181msgpack-ablyMessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exc...
100,9181solidus_shipwireThis extension provide the ability to connect in a easy way your store and shipwire thr...
100,9181MYKYTA-BURLYAYEV-thermostat-exerciseThermostat application with mqtt/htpps
100,9181omniauth-voupeOmniAuth strategy for Voupe
100,9181specify_clispecify_cli is a tool that allows certain tasks in a Specify database (http://www.susta...
100,9181fixture_partsFixtureParts registers data in DB for each test.
100,9181sortable_element_for_nested_setRails plugin for using script.aculo.us sortable_element for trees backed by nested sets.
100,9181sonar_ews_pull_connectorA sonar-connector for extracting emails from Exchange 2007/2010 through Exchange Web Se...
100,9181spree_embedded_videosThis extension uses oembed to support a variety of video services, such as YouTube, Vim...
100,9181sinatra-protectionMakes it possible to protect selected Sinatra routes with HTTP Basic Authentication