Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137821-137840 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630gobstones-specWrite Gobstones specs within Ruby
85,8630text_parserIncludes a parse method on String object
85,8630faker-pretty_seriesTest data generator using PrettySeries
85,8630same_site_ua_checkerCheck if User-Agent supports SameSite=None
85,8630responsive_imageA helper for creating the picture element in Ruby
85,8630semantic_form_forA custom Rails FormBuilder that assumes HTML5. Because HTML4 is for chumps.
85,8630hola-ben-testA simple hello world gem
85,8630qwik2mdConvert qwik to markdown
85,8630jquery-selectable-railsA jQuery plugin for creating simple styleable form select inputs.
85,8630sawI saw user clicking on that button there.
85,8630project_btorrettaapi ticket checker
85,8630roomorama_apiRuby wrapper to call Roomorama API V1.0 at https://roomorama.com/api. For a step by ste...
85,8630testlink-api-clientTestLink API Client allow to use the TestLink Remote API.
85,8630interswitch-rest-secureA utility gem for generating Interswitch REST security headers.
85,8630jackdempsey-rpx_nowHelper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation
85,8630jackdempsey-sequel_polymorphicA gem that provides Sequel::Models with polymorphic association capabilities
85,8630email_octopusAPI client for Email Octopus
85,8630ppg_leadersA gem for displaying information about ppg leaders for the Cleveland Cavaliers
85,8630joiAutorun your minitest tests. Supports Rails projects.