Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
137861-137880 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630sass_multSASS command line executable only supports compiling one file at a time. This is ineffi...
85,8630rails_filters_tracerWith this gem, you can measure the execution times of each of filters registered to a R...
85,8630harvesterThe harvester collects your favourite feeds and generates static html/feed pages
85,8630jackowayed-rufus-tokyoruby-ffi based lib to access Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant
85,8630jackowayed-state-repsDetermines person's state senate and representative districts. Setup for Delaware, but ...
85,8630gitlab-akerlRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
85,8630dry_adminDRYAdmin is a mountable Ruby on Rails engine that will create an instant backend for al...
85,8630keycloak_3scale_usersA CLI gem for migrating the end users accounts of 3scale to keycloak realm.
85,8630require_paranoiaTemporarily disable Kernel.require to ensure thread safety.
85,8630resuUser engine based on authlogic
85,8630logpusherLogPusher: Log tracking for Ruby
85,8630rxlslike csv
85,8630page_creatorThis gem removes the need of creating an extra module with m...
85,8630solo-rbA port of Solo, a perl script, into a gem that prevents a program from running more tha...
85,8630rouge-lexers-dockerParses and markups Dockerfiles.
85,8630emitCommunicating Sequential Processes with Ruby fibers
85,8630mintClean, simple library for maintaining and styling documents without a word processor. M...
85,8630gen-licenseGenerate LICENSE Files
85,8630invoicepdf_geminvoice is created.