Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138501-138520 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630rb_raventoolsUse the RavenTools SEO API to retrieve any account, domain, keyword related information...
85,8630fluent-plugin-std-formatterThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
85,8630jquery-bez-railsThis jquery.bez was built using the library at https://github.com/rdallasgray/bez
85,8630gems_deplevelReturns the dependency depth level for a gem's transitive dependencies
85,8630stomachThe STOck MArket CHecker is a tool for checking the current values of your stocks via C...
85,8630jenkins-capistranoThe capistrano tasks for Jenkins CI Server
85,8630PulseExtensible IRC library
85,8630rakedotnetProvides MSBuild, NUnit, BCP, SqlCmd, MsTest, MinifyJS, jstest tasks for Rake build files
85,8630gemojifyjsA simple javascript emoji lib that marks up text with emojis
85,8630homesteading_publisherA generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of.
85,8630thorsson_carrierwave* Updated support for right_s3 gem * RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[http:/...
85,8630sensu-plugins-chatworkThis plugin provides native Chatwork instrumentation for ...
85,8630rails_material_design_iconsRails Material Design Icons provides the web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine fo...
85,8630gmeanGet the Meaning of the Word by scraping.
85,8630plotlyjs-railsSimplifies using Plotly.js in Rails
85,8630replace_recursivereplace_recursive --help
85,8630rspec-json_api_matchersHelpful matchers for comparing JSON documents.
85,8630fluent-plugin-wire-protocol-compatAdds in_forward wire protocol support to in_udp and in_tcp
85,8630http_test_harnessFor a better testing experience
85,8630knockout-assetsPrepares the SHA values of CDN assets in a JS hash. Knockout templates can then refer t...