Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139381-139400 of all 180,402 gems.
100,9181elasticsearch-query-dslRuby block DSL for writing ElasticSearch queries
100,9181brpm_module_seleniumSelenium automation scripts and libraries to run on top of the BRPM Content framework. ...
100,9181neo4rA Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for use in Ruby on Rails and Rack frameworks heavily ...
100,9181rabbit-slide-kou-apache-arrow-osakaApache Arrowが解決したい問題、設計方針、速さの秘密、現在できること、今後できるようになることなど、Apache Arrowを知らない人でもApache Arrow...
100,9181Top_20_Deals"This Gem shows users the Top 20 Travel deals of the week curated by TravelZoo.com."
100,9181ferdiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
100,9181sluggable_mbzGenerates slugs from "sluggable_column" taking out any offensive characters. Really use...
100,9181beaker-benchmarkUsed to monitor performance on a puppet infrastructure node in a Beaker test
100,9181lita-youdaoTranslation using youdao api--http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi
100,9181lita-zhihu-dailyGet zhihu daily/monthly hot posts
100,9181redis_rails_migrationsUses Redis to manage data migrations of data stored in Redis
100,9181tacitRefinements providing glue methods for inheritance chaining.
100,9181gensymGenerate an unbound symbol.
100,9181edwigProvides Ruby SDK for Edwig API and munin plugins
100,9181rake_deployConfigurable rake tasks for deploying static content via rsync
100,9181messente-rubyRuby gem for Messente
100,9181jrmey-eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
100,9181methodiseRails gem/plugin which adds quick access to parent model methods
100,9181pivotal2githubImport Pivotal Tracker stories into Github Issues
100,9181eljojoAll interesting things about @eljojo, in a gem.