Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139581-139600 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380gittyupNew users to git and Heroku sometimes have trouble with the sy...
69,2380uploadify-railsUploadify plugin for Ruby on Rails asset pipeline
69,2380lti_coreImplmentation of the LTI Core standard for Ruby.
69,2380embulk-parser-csv_with_schema_fileParses csv files with schema file read by other file input plugins.
69,2380trusted-sandboxTrusted Sandbox makes it simple to execute classes that eval untrusted code in a resour...
69,2380nthThe Nth gem is a collection of utilities that use named numbers and ordinals to represe...
69,2380mcommons-values_forAdds an enumerable attribute to an ActiveRecord-backed class
69,2380mconnell-object_daddyWho's your daddy? Kill Rails fixtures, Don't Repeat Yourself, reduce the complexity of ...
69,2380libxml_enumparseLazy loading XML parser with libxml.
69,2380rustdRuby implementation of Rust-inspired APIs for concepts such as enum, traits, Result, Op...
69,2380sensu-plugins-openldapSensu plugins for OpenLDAP
69,2380gcdfinderA demo gem file
69,2380wiktionaryEnglish words morphological description and basic conversion rules based on the English...
69,2380xcpretty-bbXcodebuild formatter designed to be piped with `xcodebuild`, and thus keeping 100% ...
69,2380dotstrapbootstrap your shell dotfiles in parallel from GitHub repos
69,2380yukonExpress checkout using ActiveMerchant Paypal API.
69,2380domain-validatorActiveModel validations for domains with fully localization support.
69,2380payment-highwayCustom payments for your custom app. Api client for Payment Highway
69,2380rails-quietlyA simple wrapper to suppress logging in various ways in Rails apps.
69,2380to_alnumWrite a longer description or delete this line.