Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140561-140580 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630mail_engineRails system mail management solution.
85,8630light_mongoLightMongo is a lightweight Mongo object persistence layer for Ruby which makes use of ...
85,8630pmml_consumerread a PMML file and use it to make prediction
85,8630htmlduGenerates HTML showing hierarchical disk usages.
85,8630runawaySpin off blocks in child processes and make sure they terminate on time
85,8630ripxploreripxplore is a command line tool + libraries for manipulating disk images as used by vi...
85,8630jastix-string_extendstring_extend adds useful features to the String class
85,8630lp_csv_exportable_with_streamExport file with stream, free your thread
85,8630mattmatt-cap-ext-parallelizeA drop-in replacement for Capistrano to fire off Webistrano deployments transparently w...
85,8630timrTime Tracking for Hackers.
85,8630stypeString is String, but the content is different. Sometimes we need to distinguish them.
85,8630rabbit_feedA gem providing asynchronous event publish and subscribe capabilities with RabbitMQ.
85,8630simple_spam_preventBlock repetetive requests from logged_in users and shows captcha.
85,8630fluent-plugin-sendmailFluentd plugin to parse and merge sendmail syslog.
85,8630em-stathatEssentially a clone of the normal stathat gem, only for use with EventMachine.
85,8630tree_graphA mixin to help you generate tree graph
85,8630itamae-plugin-recipe-elixirItamae plugin to install elixir
85,8630sms-htmldiffHTML diffs of text (borrowed from a wiki software I no longer remember)
85,8630graphsProvide functions to (un)parse GDF/JSON files and generate graphs
85,8630rakemanThis gem allow to manage your project rake tasks.