Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141341-141360 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900aharrison24-git-externalExtension for git which adds a command providing similar functionality to git submodule...
140,0900bluthA Redis queuing system built on top of Familia
140,0900active_analysisCollection of Active Storage analyzers
140,0900apkg-to-csvConvert Anki deck (.apkg) files to comma-separated values (.csv) files.
140,0900config-factoryA gem for creating configuration classes using the Abstract Factory pattern, with run-t...
140,0900call_your_nameUsing the cyn method returns a greeting for a string given as an argument.
140,0900audio_tagRuby library for reading and writing audio file metadata
140,0900active_annotationReally soon in the best Gemfiles.
140,0900cc_issuerRuby gem to find issuer of the Credit Card
140,0900userstampsGem that extends ActiveRecord with stamping for created_by and updated_by fields
140,0900betelgeuse-googlechartsSexy Charts using Google API & Ruby
140,0900Classy_NameDo you like non-standard camel-case strings? (e.g. Camel_Case_Me)
140,0900animoto_gmailRuby Gmail Client over IMAP.
140,0900decidim-navbar_linksAdd a custom link in main menu bar.
140,0900vx-builderWrite a gem description
140,0900benschwarz-webratWebrat. Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
140,0900angular2-railsThis gem is not longer maintained and i suggest to use angular2 with webpack (npm) or w...
140,0900alimento0100997910Gema para calcular el indice calorico de un alimento
140,0900cloverapiThis gem allows to fetch the data from Clover through the Clover APIs themselves