Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141441-141460 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380roomorama-validates_emailRails plugin to validate email addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696
69,2380spring-commands-resqueresque command for spring
69,2380revans-git_toolsAn easy way to manage your git submodules in a Rails Application.
69,2380hola_kariussA simple hello world gem
69,2380the_little_streamerPoint the Little Streamer to your music directory and it will serve up the tunes using ...
69,2380volt-semanticuiSemantic UI for the volt framework. Check the semantic-ui.com to get more detail
69,2380postlyAPI Wrapper and IRB console for posterous.com
69,2380wcrA wrapper on wc command. Permit to execute wc recursively with a more flexible argument...
69,2380ruby-stackdriver-exporterThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
69,2380etomUses fast operations without relying onto maven to convert eclipse plugins to maven art...
69,2380rack-pooledthrottleThrottle HTTP requests using a connection pool for all database connections
69,2380server_toolsA bunch of tools to provision (via Chef) and deploy packages to servers
69,2380ipcamSample application for "V4L2 for Ruby".
69,2380should-i-updateshould-i-update takes a friendly look your Gemfile and reports any out of date gems
69,2380legion-cacheA Wrapper class for the LegionIO framework to interface with both Memcached and Redis f...
69,2380friendly_test_namesThis tiny extension for test/unit allows you to write "test 'has cheeseburger' do; ...;...
69,2380innitInstead of the awkward form: [1,2,3].include?(elem), you can now use: elem.in?([1,2,3])
69,2380julianmorrison-savonHeavy metal Ruby SOAP client library
69,2380octopodCommand-line wrapper for jekyll and octopod
69,2380vlad-gitVlad plugin for Git support. This was previously part of Vlad, but all modules outside ...