Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141461-141480 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380wiser_trailsAudit Trails in Harmony
69,2380my-ruby-net-ldapNet::LDAP is a feature-complete LDAP support library written in pure Ruby. It supports ...
69,2380penfoldPenfold is an assistant for screening potentital and tracking current covered call pos...
69,2380utilitypackLibrary of useful utilities
69,2380vagrant-tiktalikEnables Vagrant to manage machines in Tiktalik.com Cloud.
69,2380push4A ruby library for the Push 4.0 API
69,2380jtalk-railsRails 3 engine that exposes Jtalk (JS, CSS, and WebDAV)
69,2380google-client_loginA simple library for authenticating against the Google ClientLogin API
69,2380scgiSimple support for using SCGI in ruby apps, such as Rails
69,2380lambda-queuerA class atop sourcify and amqp which can queue stringified lambdas over RabbitMQ. It is...
69,2380upm_supportProvides tools for supporting UPM.
69,2380getLinkMp3Zingget link download song form url of mp3.zing.vn
69,2380morsRuby implementation of word structure analysis algorithm
69,2380gocd_pre_pushCheck GoCD pipeline status before pushing your changes to central repo
69,2380riopro-piwikA simple Ruby client for the Piwik API
69,2380zabbircIRC Bot for Zabbix monitoring
69,2380tiqavruby wrapper for tiqav.com
69,2380union_station_hooks_coreUnion Station Ruby hooks core code.
69,2380itunes_validatoriTunes Receipt validation
69,2380etda_utilitiesContains Partner, .., ..., etc.