Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142081-142100 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900ddateImplements the Discordian calendar, printing out the current date
140,0900activitylogComing soon
140,0900cjwoodward-right_http_connectionFixed bug that was breaking paperclip and s3.
140,0900wildcloud-loggerSimple logging library inspired by Rack architecture
140,0900armActiveRecord Messaging
140,0900deployer_filesUseful generators for creating files needed to deployment in way Ryan Bytes shows in hi...
140,0900weather_undergroundA Ruby gem for the Weather Underground API
140,0900active_record-nested_attributes-destroy_ifAdds :destroy_if option to accepts_nested_attributes_for, which is basically a stronger...
140,0900collavocePowering MIDI through ruby
140,0900capistrano_auto_multi_installA set of tasks helping you to deploy with capistrano
140,0900datadog-syncSync your DataDog.
140,0900briardRuby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
140,0900ucloud_apiKT ucloud biz api
140,0900capserverextEasily setup postgres, mysql databases and the nginx (http://sysoev.ru/nginx/) and apac...
140,0900ClothRedRedCloth in reverse: Converting HTML into Textile markup
140,0900apple_frameworksCreation of .framework and .xcframework for iOS and/or macOS libraries
140,0900active_record_batteriesSeveral small active record modules to empower models in a simple way.
140,0900whole_numberFloat and Integer will be converted to whole number, that is 0,1,2,3,4... , when you gi...
140,0900cloudhead-mutterthe tiny CLI library
140,0900ascii-imageA Ruby gem to convert images into ASCII for your awesome command-line applications