Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142441-142460 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630file_manipulatorManipulate (Split/Merge) Files
85,8630shuboidA simple hello from shubham gem
85,8630ozsantana-has_many_selectThis gem set the problems with has_many in databases outside the standard.
85,8630p8-casablancaCasablanca is a ruby single sign-on client for the CAS 2.0 protocol.
85,8630textme-jtjText memory verse and image to user
85,8630formhelperThis is a library to create different form field elements, allows form object to parse ...
85,8630jruby_coerciongem to facilitate automatic coercion between jruby/java objects
85,8630kapekaOperasi perhitungan KPK pada integer.
85,8630slmndrA minimalistic ruby web crawling framework. See https://github.com/penafieljlm/slmndr f...
85,8630redis-to-fluentd-listenerThis gem will help you to connect redis and fluentd. With it you'll be able to get your...
85,8630pxdoppelgangerpXdoppelganger compares two images and can tell you the exact difference (in % of pixel...
85,8630rubysl-delegateRuby standard library delegate.
85,8630rails_admin_rst_themeRails Admin theme used by RST-IT company.
85,8630optbindBinds command-line options to objects or variables. Supports binding of options and arg...
85,8630logger-limitThis gem changes Logger behaviour to only output previous log messages when a log of ER...
85,8630MarkabyTim Fletcher and _why's ruby driven HTML templating system
85,8630tidasRack middleware for tidas integrations
85,8630staticpressStaticpress is a blog-focused static site generator. It uses Tilt for rendering nearly ...
85,8630interstellarThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
85,8630pairing_shufflerAssign random pairs from a google docs spreadsheet