Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142621-142640 of all 180,352 gems.
72,3000rakeutilsRake task classes for 3rd party apps
72,3000react-opalWrite reactive UI component with Ruby's elegancy and compiled to run in Javascript.
72,3000mail_nerdSo you don't have to.
72,3000yaslA pure Ruby serialization library that works across different Ruby implementations like...
72,3000qunaQuna is a library for making it simple to query interactively answers from users.
72,3000outbox-msg91MSG91 API wrapper for Outbox, a generic interface for sending sms notificatons.
72,3000govuk-design-system-railsAn implementation of the govuk-frontend macros in Ruby on Rails
72,3000hearthside-mentionableWebmention sending and receiving for Rails projects.
72,3000guard-rake-vagrantguard-rake-vagrant runs rake tasks from Rakefile automatically but first provisioning a...
72,3000teradata-cliruby extension for Teradata Cliv2
72,3000sipgatesend fax through sipgate and check their sending status.
72,3000ffi-fluidsynthFFI bindings for the FluidSynth library.
72,3000entity_statusA simple work in progress gem for adding status string to activerecord models. Create...
72,3000sequel-search-pathEasy scoping of Postgres' search_path for Sequel
72,3000pimpDon't steal my gem Claudio
72,3000rpi_vibratingmotorUses a vibrating motor connected to the Raspberry Pi to alert the user of a new message...
72,3000sass-zhilizhilia lib can extend sass function
72,3000rails_loggerJustlogging is a webservice that allows you to log just about anything. This is the rub...
72,3000watchmonkey_cliIf you want an easy way to monitor services without the need of installing agents let a...
72,3000rogerleite-gedit-snippets-toolTool to generate cheat sheet of gedit's snippets