Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144741-144760 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380wraithdbWraithDB uses schema.rb as a template to initialize ActiveRecord classes when databases...
69,2380quickenQIF (Quicken Interchange Format) parser
69,2380jekyll-theme-warpcoreWarpcore is a Jekyll theme for Github Pages.
69,2380to_json_fixUntil ActiveSupport gets its act together, fix to_json ArgumentError (2 for 1), StackLe...
69,2380ledger_tiller_exportGenerate ledger transactions from Tiller
69,2380redis_importerCreates objects, converts them to Redis commands and executes the redis commands.
69,2380osm2mongoImport Openstreetmap .osm(xml) data format into MongoDB written in Ruby.
69,2380w3c_datetimeDeal with date and time in w3c format
69,2380external_resque_workerEasy way to manage running one or more resque processes during testing
69,2380wikiWiki is a single-page application for browsing and editing content distributed througho...
69,2380tiny_barlike a progress bar, but can also be used to measure used capacity of something
69,2380yaaAnother QRA From Scratch!
69,2380lita-confirmationA Lita extension to require confirmation for commands.
69,2380realeyesRuby client for realeyes reporting api
69,2380wirecard-elasticWirecard support for Elastic Api
69,2380wirecard-elastic-apiWirecard support for Elastic Api
69,2380scrivito_column_widgetScrivito Column Widget.
69,2380gem-git-installInstall gem from a git repository. This gem clones the given repo, build the gem and in...
69,2380genetic_frameworkFacilitates use of genetic evolution to find a solution to a defined problem.