Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144781-144800 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900chupa-text-decomposer-libreoffice-excelThis is a ChupaText decomposer plugin to extract text and meta-data from Microsoft Exce...
140,0900datakickRuby client for Datakick - the open product database
140,0900cnabGem used to parse CNAB files
140,0900breadnbutterCraft generic breadcrumbs from the controller path
140,0900azure_mgmt_graphMicrosoft Azure Active Directory Graph Management Client Library for Ruby
140,0900capistrano-lingrnotify to Lingr after deploy by Capistrano
140,0900derobo-imdb_ogSimple library to look up movies on IMDB
140,0900acts_as_dashboardacts_as_dashboard makes it easy to create dashboards in Rails apps. Very little configu...
140,0900crema-api-ruby-clientCrema API Ruby Client Gem
140,0900ttf2eotConvert TTF fonts to EOT fonts
140,0900cumquatComing soon
140,0900acopA gem to enforce webpage accessibility'
140,0900capistrano-upload-configsCapistrano plugin for Upload local config files to remote, and create soft link.
140,0900climaticA CLI framework to ease command-line tools creation.
140,0900awesome_gem_24062019awesome_gem is the best
140,0900activerecord-datastore-adapterJust an ActiveRecord Adapter for the Appengine Datastore. Create Rails3 applicatio...
140,0900deep_thought-herokuDeep Thought deployer for Heroku.
140,0900diaThrough the use of technology found on Apple's Leopard and Snow Leopard ...
140,0900berktacularGenerates a Berksfile from JSON style Chef environment files. Also support extension t...