Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144801-144820 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900derobo-ofdbA Ruby wrapper for www.ofdb.de, a german movie indexing page like www.imdb.com.
140,0900azendooUse Azendoo's resource in your applications ;-)
140,0900conversioRenders plain text files with Markdown syntax to XHTML pages. User can define their ow...
140,0900dbd_ontoOntologies for Dbd
140,0900unabridgedScraper for historical GitHub contribution data
140,0900vagrant-openstack-cloud-providerVagrant provider for OpenStack clouds.
140,0900certmanCLI tool for AWS Certificate Manager.
140,0900cosmosc2-tool-autonomicThis plugin adds the COSMOS autonomic tool
140,0900canoserA ruby implementation of the canonical serialization for the Libra network. Canonical s...
140,0900active_record_temptableTemp Table for activerecord
140,0900unfoldDead simple git deployment with minimal config.
140,0900whyvalidationssuckin96A library for setting up model validations, such as in ActiveRecord.
140,0900brewery_searchSearch for breweries from the convenience of your command line! Install the gem and the...
140,0900autoexpresoNon-official autoexpreso.com Ruby library and CLI application.
140,0900bsgemA simple gem
140,0900arc-laravelCapistrano files for deploying Laravel apps at Architect
140,0900webpay_interswitchA simple gem to integrate Rails app with Webpay Interswitch, a nigerian payment gateway
140,0900urmURM is Ubuntu Release Manager (urm). It manages Ubuntu releases and switch between them...
140,0900capcode-render-webdavCapcode plugin to create WebDav server
140,0900carbanA Virtual Machine implemented as Abstract Stack Machine