Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145141-145160 of all 182,392 gems.
58,7971omniauth-wrapperOmniauth wrapper
58,7971cpyright_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
58,7971omniauth-webflowOmniauth strategy for Webflow
58,7971erorrA client library for erorr.app integration
58,7971choan-lilypond_generatorsRubigen based generators for lilypond projects
58,7971kosmas58-picklerSynchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker
58,7971billy_apiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
58,7971PerfectlyNormal-FlexoA simple, extensible IRC bot based on Flux
58,7971html_slicerHTML truncation & pagination for Rails 3+. Optional feature: recalculate resolution...
58,7971omniauth-pagerdutyOfficial OmniAuth strategy for PagerDuty.
58,7971sshkit-sudo-nextSSHKit extension, for sudo operation with password input.
58,7971fbpThe Fpb gem provides support for Flow Based Programming for Ruby. Flow Based programmin...
58,7971first_ofprioritize values of fallback methods
58,7971twitter_adsSimplify access to TwitterAds API
58,7971spicycode-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
58,7971poke-apiA Ruby wrapper for the PokéAPI (http://pokeapi.co/)
58,7971rietveldA practical implementation of DCI for Ruby
58,7971everyday-menuAn easy way to define menu items and visually lay out menus for your RubyMotion OSX app...
58,7971ekm-omnimeterRuby interface to the EKM Omnimeter Pulse
58,7971penthotalpenthotal is a command line tool to organize finding folders for a penetration test