Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145341-145360 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900attribute-filtersConcise way of filtering model attributes in Rails.
140,0900cakes_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
140,0900cesar_view_toolGem testing create a library in Ruby On Rails
140,0900yuyiMaintain a menu of applications and services to automate the installation
140,0900viaduct-webpushA client library allows messages to be sent to the WebPush API.
140,0900zipplyZipply gives you info about ZIP codes.
140,0900conduit4rA simple ruby interface to the HoneyApps Conduit API
140,0900carrierwave-azureAllows file upload to Azure with the officail sdk
140,0900delayed_sunspotDelayed Job support for Sunspot
140,0900xmlstructA Struct that allows you to create an XML layout quickly and easily
140,0900bitbucket-pr-postCreate Pull Request on Bitbucket.
140,0900aws_uploadThis gem offers a helper method to build a form HTML to upload directry to Amazon S3 st...
140,0900desoto-photoappA tool for processing cave photos for DeSoto Caverns.
140,0900alexa_skillresponseResponds to an Alexa Skill request using Ruby scripts embedded in a kind of XML format
140,0900validate_japaneseAdd Japanese validators
140,0900delegate_all_forEasy delegation of all columns of an ActiveRecord association
140,0900brighter_planet_layout-ruby19Layouts, partials, stylesheets, and images
140,0900attr_magicThe tools to ease lazy attribute implementation
140,0900alexa-smapiAmazon Alexa Skill Management API Client
140,0900convert_kanaConvert full(or half)-width katakana to hiragana, and vice versa.