Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145441-145460 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510softboardWas originally written for my software engineering class.
141,5510airplane_modeGather Ruby documentation for offline viewing
141,5510classleaks_oauthClassleaks OAuth API client library for ruby
141,5510em-ucengineA library for U.C.Engine, powered by EventMachine
141,5510dynamojs_railsA light wrapper for using dynamo.js with Ruby on Rails
141,5510embulk-output-solrDumps records to Solr.
141,5510architectureA DSL and object space for handling scaffolding
141,5510ascmASCM reads ENV varaibles into a class, providing methods to ensure a setting is ava...
141,5510alidayu_smsalidayu_sms send.
141,5510arthurgeek-rfeedparserParse RSS and Atom feeds in Ruby
141,5510bp_obfuscateA simple wrapper to Open ssl to easily encrypt/obfuscate data.
141,5510dxopalGame development framework for Opal
141,5510asyncomniAsyncomni is an engine, which can be used with a rails application for omniture integra...
141,5510ember-auth-module-epf-railsEmber-auth epf integration module for Rails
141,5510aws_signerUtility to create signed URLs for uploading files straight to Amazon S3.
141,5510aurels-backuperSimple unix server backup tool
141,5510all_the_thingsRecords the interactions between entities for meta data queries
141,5510chronikDates' class parser
141,5510dorbInteract with the Digital Ocean API in an idiomatic ruby way.
141,5510certmeister-pgThis gem provides a PostgreSQL store for use in certmeister, the conditional autosignin...