Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145461-145480 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380motion-define-methodA hack to use define_method in RubyMotion.
69,2380ruby-libgtop2Ruby bindings for GNOME libgtop version2.x.
69,2380ripl-profilesThis ripl plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/pr...
69,2380reach-apiA Ruby wrapper for Bungie's Halo Reach stats API. Returns all AP...
69,2380utopia-extrasUtopia is a website generation framework which provides a robust set of tools to build...
69,2380logicmonitor_simpleSimple API client for LogicMonitor
69,2380orm-redisredis orm
69,2380trinidad_sidekiq_extensionRuns Sidekiq workers within the Trinidad application server
69,2380tap-ubiquityMaking Tap available in Ubiquity
69,2380dummy_dataUses dummy to generate consistent fake data for your models (including associations) an...
69,2380responders_backportBringing Rails 3 Responders to your obsolete Rails 2.3.x apps =)
69,2380flex_coreTo do
69,2380haml-coffeeruby-haml-coffee is a Ruby wrapper around the JavaScript haml-coffee compiler.
69,2380vagrant-xenserverEnables Vagrant to manage XenServers.
69,2380peerjs-railsAsset Pipline wrapper around "PeerJS"
69,2380keyslime-commonKeyslime Support Package
69,2380gpsoauthA Ruby client library for Google Play Services OAuth. A port ...
69,2380preloadablesSpeeds up websites with preloading and precacheing.
69,2380memory_monitorRestart a process when memory usage is too high
69,2380g5_client_notifications_urlbuilds a notifications url for client