Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145661-145680 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510bouncestudioA Ruby API wrapping the BounceStudio library from Boogie Tools
141,5510erb_escapeErbEscape uses the same regexp for parsing erb files as Erubi.
141,5510cocoapods-tuya-oss-publishA short description of cocoapods-tuya-oss-publish.
141,5510accessorizeSometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the dat...
141,5510dialyKnows all area codes from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
141,5510arasmAction Replay Assembly Language
141,5510abstract_api_wrapperAn abstract REST API wrapper based on missing_method magic
141,5510abrizerCreates adaptive bitrate streams and other delivery derivatives.
141,5510automatthew-autocodeUtility for auto-including, reloading, and generating classes and modules.
141,5510epoA no-brainer, plain-ruby database
141,5510ember-schemaGenerates a json schema for restpack_serializer models
141,5510dmorrill10-utilsMy utilities.
141,5510abstractsAbstract classes gem
141,5510betelgeuse-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
141,5510bgp4rBest way to play with BGP protocol using ruby
141,5510cocoapods-generator-minlisonConfig empty target with configuration from *.podspec.
141,5510browserup_mitmproxy_clientA REST client for the browserup-mitmproxy
141,5510brownpaperticketsBrown Paper Tickets API wrapper
141,5510balesA framework for building command-line applications
141,5510at-stripeSimplified Stripe API