Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146261-146280 of all 180,385 gems.
141,5510brendan-entrailsThis is a collection of extensions to Rails internals that I've found to be absolutely ...
141,5510clear_helperA Rails helper method to simplify generation of "clear" divs
141,5510cucumber_analyticsStatic analysis of Cucumber tests made easy.
141,5510dbeeDbee provides a simple-to-use data modeling and query API. The query API can produce S...
141,5510bn4rbn4r is a bayesian networks library on ruby that provides the user with classes for cre...
141,5510CmdShellMgrCommand Pattern wrapped up for generic use.
141,5510actionmailbox-imapRelay IMAP messages to ActionMailbox. This package requires the rust imap client binary...
141,5510brendanlim-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
141,5510activerecord-nested_attribute_destructionCheck if nested attributes were destroyed during the last save
141,5510bridgetown_notionIntegrates with Notion so we can use notion like a CMS
141,5510djanoaClient Ruby pour la plateforme Djanoa.
141,5510bit_walletRuby-esque handling of Bitcoin wallet
141,5510discoballA simple stream filter to highlight patterns
141,5510endangered_species_2CLI Data gem scraping www.worldwildlife.org
141,5510brutalismbotA Slack app that mirrors posts from /r/brutalism to a #channel of your choosing using i...
141,5510embratelEasily extract data from Embratel's phone bill files.
141,5510cookie_http_clientHTTP clinet with cookie support.
141,5510devise-approvableadds feature to devise
141,5510dezodezo transrates words on cli.
141,5510asset_packerCreate an offline version of a HTML file.