Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146961-146980 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630remote_database_importerDump remote databases and import it locally. At the moment only Postgres databases are ...
85,8630takoyakiActivities on GitHub
85,8630resquireReduce your redundant gem depenencies with resquire, which figures out which gems are r...
85,8630lastfm-path-finderGem for finding paths between artists in Last.fm
85,8630simplegeo-testA SimpleGeo Ruby Client
85,8630relate_iqRelateIQ API v2 wrapper
85,8630errbit_lighthouse_pluginLighthouse integration for Errbit
85,8630subtle-langSubtle is a Terse, Array based Programming Language, heavily i...
85,8630refinerycms-bannersRuby on Rails Banners engine for Refinery CMS
85,8630gantreecli tool for automating docker deploys to elastic beanstalk
85,8630em-postgresAsync PostgreSQL driver for Ruby/Eventmachine
85,8630leonardo-bridgeA lean mean bridge playing machine
85,8630mvclientA minimal Motivosity API v1 wrapper for Ruby, plus a command-line tool
85,8630print_primes_tableThe program run from a command line and print to screen one table. Across the top and d...
85,8630settings_on_railsRuby gem help to handle key/value settings(preferences) for ActiveRecord model. Setting...
85,8630paul-is-awesomeA self help motivational tool.
85,8630rrxcellStandardize of operation manner for reading Excel files(.xls, .xlsx).
85,8630pageflow-countastic🌟 Plain boring numbers in your story become animated 🌟
85,8630factorio_modsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
85,8630footableFooTable - Awesome Responsive Tables. Where you can sort table through jquery.