Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147581-147600 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380ffi-enetFFI interface to the enet networking library. Includes rENet-like API to simplify enet ...
69,2380omniauth-bungie-oauth2A Bungie OAuth2 strategy for Omniauth
69,2380lavandalavanda ruby testing utilities for multimachines
69,2380duckerWork in progress...
69,2380telegram-loggerbot-rubyLog your events directly to the Telegram chat
69,2380mark_dryergem helps in the drying of hands
69,2380jquery-animate-enhanced-railsExtend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions for Webkit, Mozilla, IE>=10 and Opera a...
69,2380rspec-liveContinually updating console output for RSpec 3+
69,2380regresEasy schemaless key/value storage on top of Postgres.
69,2380k2eA tool to synchronize Kindle highlights to Evernote.
69,2380yaml_db_improvedYamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. It complements...
69,2380simplevpimA simple wrapper for the vPim gem.
69,2380hoe-geminaboxA small [hoe] plugin that allows you to push your gems to [geminabox]. [hoe]: https://...
69,2380jhicks2306_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
69,2380turbo_test_ruby_refinementsCollection of refinements for Ruby classes
69,2380objective-ciCI tools for objective-c
69,2380wellcarA command line suite to ease conventional use of a Docker-based dev env for Ruby on Rails
69,2380GB2260The Ruby implementation for looking up the Chinese administrative divisions.
69,2380scalarium-api-wrapperThis is scalarium API wrapper, allowing to execute API calls to scalarium backend
69,2380wmci-viewpointA Ruby client access library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS). Examples can b...