Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
147701-147720 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900consul_watcherSend consul watch events to an amqp.
140,0900archiemlParse Archie Markup Language documents
140,0900cappressDeploy Wordpress websites using Capistrano
140,0900balanceBalance is a gem automating checking balance for different service providers, such as m...
140,0900cepmon-nagiosNagios plugin to check cepmon rules
140,0900ballot_boxThe BallotBox gem enables visitors to vote for and against voteable objects
140,0900will_paginate_couchrestgenerate views specifically with support for using will_paginate with them
140,0900wg-adminwg-admin is an administration tool for WireGuard configuration.
140,0900turnip-extra_stepsWanna start writing turn ip features like a boss but you have to write ALL steps for it...
140,0900calc_jgutie78An calculator implementation on ruby
140,0900backframeA collection of core objects for writing testable APIs
140,0900dictionary_searchdictionary cli.
140,0900baleenBallen allows you to run cucumber tests in parallel and isolated environment by using D...
140,0900capistrano-karafCapistrano functions for communicating with karaf
140,0900demoAppMuch longer explanation of the example!
140,0900classified-ipsumClassified text? No problem! Sanitize it with ██████ ███ or redact it with [redacted]
140,0900visfleet-pipeline_toolkitToolkit for building processing pipelines using Unix Pipes and AMQP messages
140,0900argibleautomatically resolves method argument values
140,0900vestel-ponyadamwiggins/pony extended with file attachment, TLS support, content type, custom charset.
140,0900wcapiRuby component for processing the WorldCat API