Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148141-148160 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380ghazel-parsletParser construction library with great error reporting in Ruby.
69,2380scalariumAccess your scalarium clouds from console
69,2380mongoid-settingsA simple gem to store application settings into a MongoDB collection.
69,2380vidibus-wordsContains stop words lists and methods to extract keywords from strings.
69,2380vapir-commonVapir Common is a library containing common code shared among browser-specific Vapi...
69,2380geopoint_factoryGenerate geographic points from a shapefile.
69,2380flowbiteThis gem adds the Flowbite assets to your asset pipeline so you can import them in your...
69,2380madlib_lynnLynn's implementation of the MadLib game
69,2380pagination_ajaxDesigned to provide basic pagination functionality using ajax with minimal effort. ...
69,2380gem_dependencies_visualizerGemDependenciesVisualizer is a gem that, given the input of a Gemfile.lock's text, prod...
69,2380totalizerProvides tools to Ruby on Rails developers to create calculations for acquisiton, activ...
69,2380mongo_taggerMongoTagger, a tagging plugin for MongoMapper
69,2380fluent-plugin-machinistFluent output plubin for IIJ Machinist
69,2380simple_kafka_consumerWrite Kafka consumers in a model with retry
69,2380yandex_raspRuby Client for the Yandex Raspisaniya Api
69,2380rack-pagespeedWeb page speed optimizations at the Rack level
69,2380historical_societyCurrently offers soft deletion, and a default scope that excludes 'deleted' records
69,2380silk_iconsThe Silk icon set is a collection of 1,000 16x16 PNG icons created by Mark James. This ...
69,2380toy-robot-simulatorLet the Toy Robot move onto the table without dying.