Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148441-148460 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380passenger-railspassenger-rails overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handler::Pas...
69,2380mysql_in_dockerEasly use mysql with docker.
69,2380noun_phrase_detectorBasic noun phrase detection
69,2380sous_chefCreate bash scripts using a simple chef-like syntax
69,2380paloma-jekyllPaloma Jekyll is a utilitarian theme for publishing your articles.
69,2380slovomConverts decimal currency numbers into text in Bulgarian language. For use in financial...
69,2380wolfram-alphaWolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers — not by ...
69,2380responsive-sassResponsive Sass design using media queries for Compass.
69,2380mvcturbineMVC Turbine is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in and auto-wires controller...
69,2380zfsMakes it possible to query and manipulate ZFS filesystems, snapshots, etc.
69,2380id_coderGenerates relatively short codes to represent id numbers externally
69,2380ya_yahoo_geocodeThis is a gem to help make various calls to yahoo's geo-aware api's
69,2380genA simple code generation system
69,2380numerounoEnglish natural language parser for numbers. * Parse 'five' to return 5 * Parse 'seven...
69,2380rails-recipescapistrano recipes for invoking rails console, rails dbconsole and rake on a rails app ...
69,2380rails-mobileRails mobile is a Rails plug-in that adds mobile device recognition and dynamic control...
69,2380taskr-wannabeJust a dummy task runner dsl
69,2380rails_engineDescription of RailsEngine.
69,2380rails_spriteRails CSS Sprite Utils.
69,2380harshedUtility to quickly save and retrieve objects from disk