Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148581-148600 of all 180,359 gems.
121,9900vagrant-rightscaleshimAllows RightScale ServerTemplate development to be performed primarily within Vagrant
121,9900tomosia_amanaplus_crawltomosia_amanaplus_crawl demo project crawl du lieu.
121,9900chef-handler-timereportChef report handler to generate reports about spent time on a Chef run, it's generating...
121,9900yuhangholaA simple hello world gem
121,9900yamsYet Another Mail System - beautiful email.
121,9900txt_tm_importerImport the content of a .txt translation memory file.
121,9900text2pngForked from https://github.com/mindpin/tex2png
121,9900cartupCartup is the easyest way to share prebuilt Carthage frameworks between projects.
121,9900cui8tracks8tracks player on terminal
121,9900billymeltdown-choctopBuild and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sparkle for distributions and upgrades; it...
121,9900crazy_hash_filterHash filtering by advanced rules
121,9900apns_provider_apiApple Push Notifications using the HTTP/2 Provider API
121,9900vagrant-reverse-proxyThis plugin manages reverse proxy configuration (currently nginx-only) so you can reach...
121,9900bter-rubyRuby api for the bter.com cryptocurrency exchange
121,9900universal_validators_railsRails validators for: date, date_time, ip address, mac address
121,9900dopenessAnalyze japanese text, rating good rhyme. Rating is using Ngram and Lebenstein.
121,9900tfe-cloudfilesA Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API.
121,9900cloudhdr_authAuth gem for CloudHDR projects.
121,9900domain_expiryA simple gem checking for domain expiry.