Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148821-148840 of all 182,392 gems.
58,7971params_extractorEncode and encrypt prams and leter unencryt and decode them - useful when sending invit...
58,7971chronos(none yet)
58,7971fg-quickgenerateplugin for FactoryGirl: Easy way to quick generate samples
58,7971vetValidate changes individually, not atomically. ORM/framework-agnostic.
58,7971postman_patPostman Pat is a Private Mail/Messaging system for users on a webapp. It works in almos...
58,7971magic_pragmaEasily add "#pragma once" to multiple ".h" and ".hpp" and ".hxx" header files
58,7971sqootWrapper for Sqoot API. Using FaradayMiddleware
58,7971hanzi-converterConvert Hanzi to pinyin. Unlike other similar gems, this includes tones and can accurat...
58,7971i2c-bme280Ruby driver for the Bosch BME280 sensor.
58,7971feedbinA Ruby wrapper for the Feedbin API
58,7971serilineA gem for integrating with the Serline API
58,7971claussimple hash / array based rule matching engine
58,7971hola_jiabierA simple hello world gem
58,7971runcite-gruf-rspecRSpec assistance library for gruf, including testing helpers
58,7971rubocop-digitalhospitalA rubocop style guide
58,7971srttoolSrttool is a cli command to manipulate subrip text (srt)
58,7971fisheye-crucibleThis gem is a wrapper around the REST API for Atlassian's {Fisheye}[http://www.atlassia...
58,7971gdocs2jekyllTiny tag generator to embed GDocs in Jekyll post
58,7971blackstack-dbModules for simple setup of database connections: https://github.com/leandrosardi/black...