Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149801-149820 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380loading_maskCSS loading mask for the Rails asset pipeline
69,2380resurfaceio-loggerLibrary for usage logging
69,2380weebA gem that utilizes the weeb.sh API.
69,2380rabbit-slide-kou-apache-arrow-tokyo-meetup-2018Apache Arrowの開発に参加したい人のためにApache Arrowの情報を紹介します。
69,2380etiquetaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
69,2380ffoundation_datepicker_railsfoundation-datepicker's JavaScripts & Stylesheets for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline. ...
69,2380nl-independentreservenl-anx is a rubygem which interfaces directly with the independentreserve.com API. This...
69,2380gps-jobGoogle Pub/Sub Active Job Adapter
69,2380scholarsphere-clientClient software to create new content for the Scholarsphere repository at Penn State.
69,2380knock-oauth2_code_verifierFrontend libraries implement OAuth2 flows that authenticate the user with your SPA, but...
69,2380filmotUploads images to http://imgur.com. Filmot is an alternative URL for imgur.
69,2380jashmenn-activerecord-jdbc-adapteractiverecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails\' ActiveRecord component that...
69,2380ruby_myqUnofficial controller for Chamberlain/Liftmaster MyQ
69,2380validates_telephoneValidates Telephone for Brazil and United States and test it with matchers in a simple ...
69,2380querylet-railsQuerylet Rails
69,2380rubyoctopusRubyOctopus is a REST client for Octopus Deploy written in Ruby.
69,2380rabbit-slide-kou-biopackathon-2022-4細胞分化の軌跡推定に関するソフトウェアTreefitのパッケージまわりについ て紹介します。
69,2380shn-mk-kitpersonal test development tool
69,2380zfben_rails_rakeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
69,2380isbn-toolsA series of methods to manipulate ISBN numbers.