Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149821-149840 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630thingtankcouchrest docs with multiple characters
85,8630opml_janitorThis gem provides a tool for cleaning up OPML feeds.
85,8630meblaAn elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...
85,8630panoramixPanoramix is a Rakefile like lib, capable of handling docker deployments
85,8630jekyll-structurizrGenerate SVG from Structurizr DSL
85,8630smokeclouds-rubocopA kept up-to-date rubocop configuration from an experienced ruby dev
85,8630fdimageDescription of Fdimage.
85,8630mech-jsMechanize has no support for Javascript, this library allows ...
85,8630rinkusukurepaA library for Scraping a webpage by it's url and return the web page title, description...
85,8630mockuperEasy way to generate mockups
85,8630handlebars-amd-railsUse Handlebars templates precompiled and wrapped in a AMD define block, with the asset ...
85,8630mini-aasmA State Machine library intended to be compatible with lightweight implementations of t...
85,8630marcoow-roodicustom roodi source analysis gem
85,8630simple_grid_railsThis gem bundles http://simplegrid.io into the Rails asset pipeline.
85,8630kireikireiFormat JSON under current dir with dead simple command
85,8630simplify_redirectorA Rails engine that adds a piece of middleware to the top of your middleware stack that...
85,8630taifutaifu brings YouTube sound to your iTunes library silently
85,8630jwtgenCLI for generating Json Web Tokens (JWT's). CLI takes multiple key value pairs as input...
85,8630mssqlmssql server command line tool