Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
150021-150040 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300sparklerSpin up a Rails app using all the tools and frameworks we like at Gaslight. Inspired he...
85,4300rjack-zookeeperA gem packaging of ZooKeeper for JRuby including the ZooKeeper jar (used for server and...
85,4300lastfm-topA small script to view top artists, albums and tracks of a Last.fm user.
85,4300immunioIMMUNIO protects your web app from security vulnerabilities by monitoring requests in r...
85,4300emusic-downloaderDownload eMusic .emz files
85,4300matlockSimple name extraction utility.
85,4300game-tictactoe-alu3299Juego del Tres en Rayas con dos jugadores o varios tipos virtuales.
85,4300imdb-scanRuby IMDB Parsing Library
85,4300jm81-paginateThis paginate library assists in paginating collections and results of database queries...
85,4300karakuriSome handy helpers for toto and the likes...
85,4300gratrGRATR is a framework for graph data structures and algorithms. This library is a fork ...
85,4300practical-pigPractical Pig is an opinionated Ruby on Rails template that makes use of webpacker-pnpm...
85,4300ptoCalculate your future Paid Time Off (PTO) accrual
85,4300monotonic.rbCreate accurate timings of excution in Ruby.
85,4300has_default_associationProvide default models for ActiveRecord associations
85,4300dryer_clientsGiven a description of an API, generates a ruby client for that API.
85,4300render_component_4Components allow you to call other actions for their rendered response while executing ...
85,4300nydp-kalendorprovides functions and macros to simplify date management within nydp
85,4300equestreumFor the Voting Machine
85,4300mulberry_previewCan preview files and format the view.