Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151621-151640 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900classifieds_cli_appScrapes online classifieds ads and provides a command line interface with which to view...
140,0900co_co_geThis library creates (un-)readable coupon codes.
140,0900web-scrapper-gemsa simple ruby script to read and extract current assets of stock Delta in set.or.th
140,0900algoheaderProgrammatically generate beautiful header images for blogs or social media accounts.
140,0900xml_node_streamSimple XML parser wrapper that provides the benefits of stream parsing with the ease of...
140,0900cap_vagrantCreate a vagrant stage file for your capistrano deployment.
140,0900vootWebVTT generation, parsing and manipulation
140,0900autoattrOverride Ruby's method_missing? to dynamically add attr_accessible
140,0900alex-rkellyThe RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.
140,0900capsule_crmGem to communicate with CapsuleCRM
140,0900arcadian_animalA simple server naming gem
140,0900classroomClassRoom is a 'class server' based on DRb
140,0900capistrano3-taillogTail log tasks
140,0900cache_versionStore the version of any class for cache invalidation
140,0900cryptomkt-rubyWrapper for Cryptomkt API
140,0900binstructBinStruct is a small class for defining structures that can be used to parse / manipula...
140,0900awais_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector
140,0900webpconverterPowerful tool for converting images to webp files
140,0900bixbiteBixbite is a project initializer for dynamic to static publishing
140,0900bridgetown-activerecordPlugin to add ActiveRecord support to Bridgetown sites