Daily Downloads Ranking

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151701-151720 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900active_workerUses a Configuration/Controller pattern to allow easy implementation and organziation o...
140,0900ardecyArdecy is a security, privacy auditing, fixing and hardening tool for GNU/Linux.
140,0900copy_paste_pdfConverts PDF to CSV by copy-pasting from Apple's Preview to Microsoft Excel
140,0900css3-mediaqueries-railsThis gem adds css3-mediaqueries.js to the rails asset pipeline.
140,0900xcode_assets_genGenerate icons and launch images Assets.xcassets file.
140,0900dieta_alu0100908480Práctica 6 de la asignatura de LPP.
140,0900cocoapods-youku-environmentyouku cocoapods plugins.description
140,0900cucumber-restA set of Cucumber step definitions and support functions which encapsulate common RESTf...
140,0900compass-connectorAllows integration between Compass and any other framework with corresponding other-fra...
140,0900coded_optionsA gem for making fields with coded values easier
140,0900xc_metrics_aggregatorXCMetricsAggregator aggregates metrics across all apps from Xcode Metrics Organizer by ...
140,0900codyjamesbrooks_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
140,0900condensationA collection of handy extensions to the Liquid templating language
140,0900botbase_drb_serverA DRb server for running the botbase gem centrally.
140,0900develop_with_styleCreate global and local CSS with very little effort.
140,0900version-serializerSerialize Version from any object that require version
140,0900busser-puppetFake busser gem. see readme
140,0900cruisefaceCruiseFace arms to give a friendly Cruise Pipeline dashboard info for developers.
140,0900databoundIt lets you use methods like create, update, destroy in the Javascript while handling a...
140,0900anselConvert ANSEL encoded text to UTF-8