Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
151841-151860 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900background_liteRun any method in the background
140,0900cesarJasperReport for ruby MRI enviroments
140,0900acts_as_html_sanitizedSanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes.
140,0900cognita-treetopA Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
140,0900cezanneLet Cezanne help you make sure your views look alright
140,0900digital_bible_platformA Ruby client for http://www.digitalbibleplatform.com/
140,0900config-file-loadersimple way to load erb yaml config files. based upon http://railscasts.com/episodes/85-...
140,0900concurrent-wrapperconcurrent-wrapper make concurrence oriented programming easy. With the wrapper you eve...
140,0900arithmeticCalculatorPerforms 4 basic operations.
140,0900artemis_apiAn API wrapper for the ArtemisAg API
140,0900capybara_helpersSome new helpers for capybara.
140,0900benry-recorderBenry-recorder is a tiny utility that can: * Record method calls of target object. * D...
140,0900dayone_to_quiverDayoneToQuiver is converter for Day One classic to Quiver.
140,0900apicasso_brushInstead of translating method calls into ORM, APIcasso Brush retrieves it's data from y...
140,0900devise-jira-authenticableInteracts with the ruby-jira gem to provide authentication of a login against a JIRA sy...
140,0900database_testerTest ActiveRecord methods against specific models in your database.
140,0900cdmblLoad CONTENTdm data into a Solr Index. CDMBL expects to run inside a Rails application.
140,0900clipboard_monitorThis is a simple clipboard monitor that emits changes. Only tested on Mac OsX
140,0900cssmin-ebtdRuby library for minifying CSS. Forked from cssmin by ebaytoday's team.
140,0900yochiyochirb_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.