Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153661-153680 of all 180,402 gems.
140,0900appfigures_accessorsee http://docs.appfigures.com/
140,0900arg-dolarblue-btcA simple gem that show you the Dolar Blue and BTC price. The BTC price is taken from Bi...
140,0900boundioV2Boundio is KDDI's telephony API. This is a simple wrapper for it.
140,0900cinch-forecastForecast is a Cinch plugin for getting the weather forecast
140,0900capistrano-migeorge-formatterA compact custom formatter for capistrano 3
140,0900chime-testrail-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,0900activestorage-delayedRuby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background
140,0900whatmaskA ruby adaptation of whatmask http://www.laffeycomputer.com/whatmask.html
140,0900database_stalkerThis module detects table names which is inserted by your automated tests.
140,0900abstract_importerProvides services for the mass-import of complex relational data
140,0900before_renderoriginal source: http://github.com/xtoddx/before_render
140,0900colorantEasily extract the colors of any image file!
140,0900vidWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,0900booklab-tocToc format read/write for BookLab
140,0900xip-twilioTwilio SMS and Whatsapp Xip Kit component.
140,0900chime_app_version_trackingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,0900config-values-engineThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,0900user-choices-pathnamePathname for the user-choices command-line argument parser allows choices to be automat...
140,0900button_helperHelper method to give cuztomised button class