Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
154241-154260 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630sixarma-btThe program uses a few of my other libraries and tools available for the Armed Assault ...
85,8630rmovRuby wrapper for the QuickTime C API.
85,8630toraAn opinionated rack-based ruby lightweight framework
85,8630google-drive-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
85,8630sharableShare to pubic website such as facebook, twitter, renren, sina, etc.
85,8630gemlicensea small tool used to list all bundled gems's license
85,8630rack-session-rethinkdbProvides a rack session middleware to store sessions in a RethinkDB table.
85,8630feedlrA Ruby interface to the Feedly API.
85,8630mantisGem with some useful command line tools.
85,8630lita-onewheel-beer-upperlipLita interface to Bailey's Upperlip Taproom listings.
85,8630rolisticSimple DSL to define roles and associated permissions.
85,8630share-meUsing the share_me plugin, you can share your web page on social sites
85,8630scrapzirraAddional script parsing tools for feedjira
85,8630isi-rbisi.rb converts ISI Export Format to BibTeX Format. This is a Ruby script. You can use ...
85,8630rosetta_queueMessaging gateway API with adapters for many messaging systems available in Ruby. Messa...
85,8630mobile_authuse mobile to auth user
85,8630topprospect-delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
85,8630sensu-plugins-chef-automateChecks that are specific to the Chef Automate product
85,8630jekyll-zettelComing soon…
85,8630patchUniversally patch controller messages such as MIDI and OSC between devices