Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
481-500 of all 547 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
478+20167187factory_bot_railsfactory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer
478+20893913aws-sdk-accessanalyzerOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Access Analyzer. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
483+19595614mixlib-shelloutRun external commands on Unix or Windows
483+195473nio4rCross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives for scalable network clients and servers. In...
483+19179198rougeRouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments.
486+183048jwtA pure ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.
486+18584602multi_testWafter-thin gem to help control rogue test/unit/autorun requires
486+18373391paper_trailTrack changes to your models, for auditing or versioning. See how a model looked at any...
486+182139unicode-display_width[Unicode 15.1.0] Determines the monospace display width of a string using EastAsianWidt...
486+18226244httpAn easy-to-use client library for making requests from Ruby. It uses a simple method ch...
486+189821,000aws-sdk-syntheticsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Synthetics. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
492+17192209kramdownkramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...
492+17268285css_parserA set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby.
494+164561ruby-progressbarRuby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...
494+16482498i18n_datacountry/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages
496+15243258gitThe git gem provides an API that can be used to create, read, and manipulate Git reposi...
496+15318concurrent-rubyModern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, actors, sup...
496+15924addressableAddressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of ...
499+14217231googleapis-common-protos-typesCommon protocol buffer types used by Google APIs
499+14277291json-schemaRuby JSON Schema Validator