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A Compression/Encyption All in one framework. No this is not sequential C/E but rather fully intergrated C/E built entirely from Ruby. Forking from both the LZW and Twofish source code and meshing the two into seamless platform for C/E/FT. RbShard introduces a brand new file extension (.rbs). Currently the file extension (.rbs) and its graphic (A cutout of the middle section of a ruby outlined in red and filled with black. on a black towhite center spectrum filepage) are still under development. RbShard as in future release v. 0.0.2 will only support the creation of .rbs. Development of a framework is currently UnD to support file transfer with on a secure SSL channel using a QEKM (Quantum Electronic Key Mangement) driver and a fully dedicated server. Currently this technology is considered 'Bleeding Edge'. and entirely proprietary in nature as this Gem is updated any feedback or assistance is more than appreciated.


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