Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
138521-138540 of all 180,434 gems.
138,5023,691jekyll-theme-chirpy-customized-upeA minimal, responsive, and feature-rich Jekyll theme for technical writing.
138,5223,690decoupleDecouples long methods in a pretty weird unnatural way. Please use PRIVATE methods inst...
138,5223,690dirwalkDir::walk, like python os.walk
138,5223,690compositor-railsVIEWS WITH COMPOSITOR YAY
138,5223,690calavera-integrity-growlEasily let Integrity show Growl notifications after each build
138,5223,690dl_experimentA framework meant to help you test (in production or in tests) the impact of an iso fun...
138,5223,690mongoid-canhazA simple mongoid extention that allows any application using mongoid to manage permissi...
138,5223,690sequel-noinflectorsDisable inflectors for Sequel.
138,5223,690deliciousRuby wrapper for API
138,5223,690reiformslive-rubyAn API wrapper for REISA developers API in ruby
138,5223,690rl_hiya_bapat_anandThe library adds a method called hiya which prints Hiya All upon invocation
138,5223,690ahwA simple hello world test gem...Version 0.1.3: Changed require statement to locate tran...
138,5223,690minitest_apidocsimple api documentation of minitest
138,5223,690simple-versionerA way to retreive best placed versions
138,5223,690my-gemPracticas LPP
138,5223,690vagrant-multihostsupdaterEnables Vagrant to update hosts file on the host machine
138,5223,690clojrEase your Clojure integration into JRuby, and vice versa. Include this gem, and follow ...
138,5223,690webpay-scaffoldScaffold for WebPay.
138,5223,690factorial_flightI get asked to calculate factorials in interviews as an example of recursion all the ti...
138,5223,690nanoc-filters-autoprefixerA nanoc filter that processes CSS with Autoprefixer.