Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139941-139960 of all 182,407 gems.
139,9243,768positive_basic_supportThis gem provides basic and useful extension to Ruby built-in classes.
139,9243,768fog-xiaozhuAs a FOG provider, fog-aliyun support aliyun OSS/ECS. It will support more aliyun servi...
139,9243,768signal_apiRuby implementation of the Signal API
139,9243,768computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meowAliases .computer_please_do_you_happen_to_know_the_time_please_thank_you_meow to .now, ...
139,9453,767fluent-plugin-mailrelaytrace mail relayed in intra network.
139,9453,767acts-as-categorizableAllows any model to be categorized.
139,9453,767sinatra-helpers-env-modeHelpers for environment mode handling in Sinatra (development, test, production).
139,9453,767keplerSimple monitoring solution
139,9453,767file_isopenDetermine if a file has any open descriptors associated with it on a linux system
139,9453,767tyrano_dslA DSL to write visual novels games in Ruby using TyranoBuilder
139,9453,767drawsvgA ruby layer built on top of the rasem gem to make drawing SVGs easier.
139,9453,767deploy_notifierThis is a deploy notifier
139,9453,767cert-helpSimple helpers like cert-help apple will display certificates related to iOS developm...
139,9453,767mongo_tankerSimple DSL for using an IndexTank search provider with Mongoid
139,9453,767lodash-assetsUse compiled Lo-Dash templates with Sprockets
139,9453,767mediumableAdds mediumable functionality to models through acts_as_mediumable
139,9453,767mockup_modelA class that pretends to be an active record model, useful for mockups.
139,9453,767easter_headersA small gem which adds harmless HTTP response headers to your app as easter eggs.
139,9453,767fluent-plugin-msgpack-parserMessagePack parser for Fluentd
139,9453,767gooddata-dss-sequelIncludes dependcy on the JDBC driver and adds the DSS.sequel connection method.