Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
139981-140000 of all 182,407 gems.
139,9763,766radiant-cells-extensionAllows of the cells gem in your radiant site and extensions
139,9763,766sedaFamiliar Methods From Underscore and Lodash Ported Over To Ruby
139,9763,766fun_with_templatesA simple approach to 'fill in the blank' file templates, which may be useful for some t...
139,9763,766cem_spec_helperProvides helper methods, classes, modules, etc. for RSpec testing the CEM modules
139,9763,766DefV-rack_lighttpd_fixRack::Cache uses PATH_INFO to calculate the cache-url. Lighttpd sets this wrong. This R...
139,9763,766gli_aziz_lightBuild command-suite CLI apps that are awesome. Bootstrap your app, add commands, optio...
139,9763,766rabbit_holeRabbitHole is designed for those times when you realize you're disappearing down a rabb...
139,9763,766kount_complete_2A wrapper to facilitate making Kount RIS calls
139,9763,766google_product_type_taxonomylinks to and ge...
139,9763,766doge_helperWow such gem
139,9763,766natdebtFunction that returns the national debt from
139,9763,766pdf-structPDF::Extractor is a library that provides high level access to the text objects of a PD...
139,9763,766tracklistTracklist is a simple command line application to parse Tracktor nml files into simple ...
139,9763,766fcomCLI tool for parsing git history
139,9763,766fast-fourierAn implementation of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm for the Discrete Fourier Transform
139,9763,766impalerWrapper around Impala and Hive gems
139,9973,765notificateSend notices to howell throughout rails applications
139,9973,765tailwindcss-rails-cjsIntegrate Tailwind CSS with the asset pipeline in Rails.
139,9973,765dump_truckDSL to dump production data for developer use. Allows selection of data and obfuscation.
139,9973,765cookie_slasherUse this gem as an extra layer of protection if your system has any HTTP accelerators i...