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140001-140020 of all 182,407 gems.
139,9973,765crux_drlctrA sample gem
139,9973,765petnameGenerates random words consisting of a random combination of an adverb, adjective, and ...
139,9973,765omniauth-connexioOmniAuth strategy for Connexio
139,9973,765cash_register_fieldEnter "15.00" in a field by typing 1-5-0-0, like a cash register
139,9973,765simple_inflectorProvides methods to transform class names to file names.
139,9973,765cameroncox-git-blogyet another git-blog
139,9973,765stravid-fractionEasy to use fraction value object.
139,9973,765rl_hiya_moh_binThe library says Hiya to all
139,9973,765ipamIP Address Management
139,9973,765rom-mongodbMongoDB adapter for Ruby Object Mapper
139,9973,765fun_with_passwordsBecause passwords are obnoxious.
139,9973,765bing_ads_api_v9Ruby wrapper for Bing Ads API v9
139,9973,765linParser for contract bridge board lin notation
139,9973,765fancy_select-railsfancy_select.js for rails.
140,0173,764captchabotWrapper for
140,0173,764alias_classA small piece of code that provide with the ability the alias class name to improve, or...
140,0173,764careo-eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
140,0173,764veeruA simple gem is for doing mathematical operations